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Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage

Real Estate

Real Estate

Products and Services

Products and Services

Health Care

Health Care

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We invested in High Five Coffee Bar in 2014, not only because it's the best coffee in Asheville, but because of what it stands for. Since its inception, High Five has maintained strong community partnerships and held a commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility. As a  Counter Culture Coffee partner, High Five believes in the importance of working with local farm purveyors and promoting ethical sourcing.


Preposterous Holdings recognizes high quality and great potential. That is why we invested in French Broad Chocolates in 2017; they offer exceptional products and focus on relationships with their suppliers from all over the world. They import cacao from farmers across the globe, with whom they have personal connections, and are dedicated to environmental sustainability.

We whole heartedly support their socially responsible business plan and are delighted that they have achieved such growth in a short time.

Rapid Age Spirits is a manufacturer of Climax Spirits and holds the patent to industry-disrupting rapid aging technology. With this innovation, Rapid Age Spirits can create refined taste at an accelerated pace. We believe that this innovative approach to distilling is the future of the industry and we have been proud investors since 2017.

A moonshiner from Climax, VA, Tim Smith created Climax Spirits, which boasts nationwide distribution of its white whiskey pot-stilled 90 proof Climax Moonshine, cinnamon spice Climax Fire 32, and classic bourbon style Climax Wood-Fired Whiskey. This revolutionary flavor and style is expanding and growing each month to new regions and into new spirits.

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As a homegrown company with a commitment to organic farming, local sourcing, healthy living, and probiotic products, Ozuké is unique. During our time in Boulder, CO, we were introduced to the founders, two entrepreneurial women who were selling their exceptional products at the local farmer's market, and invested in the budding company that Ozuké was in 2012. Since then, they have seen great growth and success, bringing kimchi, krauts, and other fermented and pickled products to shelves across the country. 

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Part of our commitment to healthy living companies includes finding promising alternatives to unhealthy popular products. PowerICE is an all-natural frozen popsicle that delivers necessary electrolytes and hydration without all the unnecessary additives found in other products.

We invested with PowerICE in 2012.

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We invested in Go Fire and began working with them in 2016 to help develop their products and change the vaporizer industry for the better. Engineered to provide personalized doses and track intake, the Go Fire vaporizer is an alternative for patients interested in taking control of their health care. The cutting edge app allows patients to get their expected results and monitor usage, educates its users on the role essential oils can play in healthy living, and offers a personalized alternative to other medicinal cannabinoid dispensers.

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Signs of God began as a simple observation while the Cassidys were on a cross country road trip: there are signs of God's presence, love, and followers all across America. Carefully curated photographs were collected into a book, Signs of God Across America, and is currently available for purchase. We believe in the power of crossing denominational boundaries and creating a sense of unity. A national photo contest was launched in October 2017 and we hope to continue growing this company's mission for many years to come.

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E-Poll Market Research offers expert, detailed market research for your field, whatever it may be. We invested in E-Poll back in 2008 because we saw the importance and potential in offering diverse organizations, companies, and individuals the ability to test ideas, poll audiences and customers, and tailor products based on those results. The founders of E-Poll pioneered some of the most widely-used research methods, making them the leader in reliable market research.

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Preposterous Media is a mobile application publisher and software development Company. In 2012 the Company acquired Dog Tag, LLC and has created some of the highest rated and most popular pet apps for the iPhone and Android. Our most popular app titles are Perfect Dog, Purrfect Cat, and Name That Dog.

In 2014 the Company acquired Card Kings, LLC, a sister app publisher and creator of Kings of Wisdom, an interactive tarot reading app.

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Since 2014, Preposterous Holdings has invested in prime real estate in the Asheville area of North Carolina. Preposterous Real Estate is a fully owned subsidiary and acts as the property manager for our holdings. We are actively investing in both commercial and residential property in the Asheville area. Many of our investments support other businesses within the Preposterous Holdings investment portfolio.​

Check out our current rentals:

15 Rankin Condo

84 Mount Clare Home 

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SQFT is a transformative technology company that offers transparency, efficiency, and real time updates for agents. In 2014, Preposterous Holdings invested in SQFT because we identified that the real estate industry was ripe for breaking into the digital sphere. SQFT was created by experienced real estate brokers who knew the unique struggles presented by current industry limitations and techniques necessary to offer users clarity and ease in the home-buying process.

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Synopsis Surgical is an unique developer of medical devises used in surgery to address chronic sinus issues. We invested in Synopsis in 2015 in support of the founders' mission to finding creative technological approaches in the treatment of Chronic Rhinosinusitis. They have built up an expert team of researchers, doctors, and engineers and are dedicated to improving the lives of those who suffer from the painful symptoms associated with the disease. 

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Preposterous Holdings invested in AIM House in 2005 to support their approach to recovery for young adults. For 5 years, we owned approximately 25% of AIM House. We believe that an integral part of the healing process for those coming out of treatment centers is having a safe and supportive home that offers therapy, education, peer support, and mentorship to young people. Their men's home and women's home in Colorado provide exceptional care and case management for those seeking a supportive and personalized program.

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For approximately a decade, we owned 20 percent of Rosewood Treatment Center. Rosewood has been a pioneer for eating disorder treatment and has become a leader in both innovative and time-tested therapeutic techniques to provide healing for their patients. We invested with them in 2005 because we believe in their personalized style of treating those suffering from eating disorders and their express dedication to providing comprehensive care for those with co-occurring trauma and/or addiction.

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We invested in and owned part of the the Palm Beach Institute for two decades. When it was first founded back in 1970, it was the first and only private addiction treatment center in South Florida. They offer a full continuum of care to its patients, allowing a wide diversity of personalities the opportunity to recover from drug and alcohol addiction. For 45 years, the Palm Beach Institute has helped over 12,000 people overcome the disease of addiction and offer services for the whole family and work to prevent relapse for all. 

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