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Jim Cassidy and his company, Preposterous Holdings, are committed to charitable causes. We avoid businesses that have no socially redeeming purpose, take advantage of the uninformed or uneducated, or have a low value proposition.



Jim recently donated his boat, Starbound, to the Block Island Maritime Association. 

About the Block Island Maritime Association:

A priority of the Block Island Maritime Institute is to preserve the rich maritime heritage of Block Island by providing maritime and marine science related on-island activities and travel opportunities to local island children. The Institute also places a special focus on providing experiential education for disadvantaged children from urban areas, and promoting educational exchange between the two groups.


About Starbound:

Starbound is a very well known vessel. She sailed around the world twice, and had a book written about her adventures titled in her name. She was originally built in 1950, based on Joshua Slocum’s 36′ Spray design, yet enlarged to a 51′ length on deck, with a 70' length overall. In the late 90′s, Starbound received a complete re-build. She since has received further re-fits and was donated in excellent condition.


Between 2009 and 2011, Jim, his wife, and their two children lived aboard Starbound. Together the family traveled over 10,000 nautical miles down the Eastern Seaboard and around the Caribbean.

Contemporary Boardroom


Heather has served on the Board of St. Joseph's of the Holy Family

School in Harlem, NY and currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Carolina Day School in Asheville, NC

Jim has served on the Boards of many charitable and non-profit organizations. A few of these organizations include:​

Greenwich Chamber of Commerce​

Father Martin's Ashley​

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council | Maridian Center​

High Watch Recovery Center​

International Institute of Alcoholism, Education and Training

Energy Efficiency Consultation


Jim and Heather Cassidy are deeply committed to promoting institutions with a proven dedication to energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. By participating as major donors to local and national organizations and educational institutions, the Cassidys continue to pursue their philanthropic goals of creating better communities for future generations.

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